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Handwriting Tells



The starting point of this project was that I found it interesting to figure out the relationship between one’s handwriting and his personality. Handwriting is a kind of information-transform activity that information goes through brain and ends up with a physical reaction(usually hand)controlled by ones’ neural customized behavior. So handwriting is unique for each individual and is very likely to be highly correlated with one’s personality. There is indeed a theory in Graphology Psychology illustrating such relationship. 

After reading books, I summarized handwriting symbols from my own Investigation and wish to create an App which is able to analyze handwriting  and output personality inference automatically.

The posters are several typical celebrities selection from all over the world to help me visualize the similarity between their handwriting and public impression.
字如其人,其实最早源于西汉文学家杨雄 讲的一句名言:“书、心画也” 这句话的意思是说书法是人的心理描绘,是以线条来表达和抒发作者情感心绪变化的。“ 字如其人”,在字典中意为人与字,字与人,二而一,一而二,如鱼水相融,见字如见人。也就是说字和人的性格等因素是直接对应。当人们通过眼睛去认识汉字的笔画(即线条)、结构、字阵、章法等规 则的时候,首先在大脑中形成一个概念或印象,这可称之为笔迹的内形成过程;当人们通过笔在纸上留下笔迹,这可称之为 笔迹的外形成过程。眼睛在这两个过程中 起认识、信息摄入、调控与监察的作用。 因为眼睛的参与,笔画按书写规范搭配, 形成可被他人认识的汉字结构;因为眼睛 的参与,单个汉字组成有序的字行并进一 步构成字阵;因为眼睛的参与,字阵构成 合理的章法。总结成一句话就是——书者书写的文字,是对现有字的一种独有的来 源于大脑的视觉设计。

我研习了部分笔迹心理学相关的书籍,把笔迹心理学学科作为我的毕业设计的理论 依据。


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